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How I Recovered From Mommy Burnout

I can't believe it.

I'm a homeschooling mom of 4! I have a middle schooler (6th grade), 4th grader, preschooler and baby along for the ride... Things are getting real...

I felt a bit overwhelmed at the start of our new homeschool year. The beginning of a new semester is fun and full of fresh, exciting energy but can also be challenging adjusting to that new flow and daily rhythm.

But I have good news...this is the happiest I've been in a while. I hadn't realized it before, but I'm pretty sure (now in retrospect) I had major MOMMY BURNOUT a while back.

I hadn't realized how cramped my schedule had gotten as a mompreneur, homemaker, homeschooling mom, wife, and chef of my home.

Moms in this day in age are just...busy.

Especially the ones (like me, and you if you're reading this) who...
want it all. Refuse to settle. You know, the ambitious moms. The creative moms. The moms who dream in tow and all.

But I LOVE having a full life. I don't want to stop working. I love my work with Moms Wear Heels.

I DEFINITELY refuse to stop homeschooling. It's too much of a privilege and I don't take that for granted.

I refuse to quit on my self care.

I still want plenty of time to date my hubby as well.

So, what is a girl to do?

Quit on the very things that bring her joy?

Of course not.

Instead, I made these changes to crawl out of mommy burnout, and if you're a busy mom boss, I'm sure they'll help you out too.

I decided to:

Let the kids help out wayyy more.

I hadn't realized I was subconsciously equating my love for them with how much I was serving them. Yep. Led to burnout. Now, they prepare their own sandwiches, salads, they grab their own snacks and water refills (age appropriately of course). I still love serving my family but it's more balanced and we're all happier for it.

I buy more things pre-made

You guys know I'm obsessed with green smoothies and green juices. But on busy days, I reach for pre-made, store bought juices and blends. I do prefer making my own, but the mental space this one change has created in my life is worth the trade off! I have peace knowing my babies are still getting their fruit and veggie needs, and mom is not overwhelmed in the kitchen. (as much). LOL.

I have better boundaries

My babies know they are loved and cherished by me. So I don't feel guilty for this one. I learned how to set better boundaries with my kids. When I wake up before them, they almost seem to magically wake up earlier too! (sigh). When this happens, I warmly greet them, and ask them to let mommy have her time to get her mind, body and soul ready for the day. If I don't fill my cup first, I'm no good to anyone.

I outsource more

What I can get delivered to my house--groceries, toiletries, etc.--I take advantage of. I am eternally grateful for this modern convenience!

I choose (well, created) a workout program that fits my busy lifestyle

I'm not in a season where I want to live in a gym. But I still want to look and feel strong. So, I decided to become a certified trainer and create my own home workout program designed to burn fat and build muscle in under 25 minutes a day. I am giving this to my subscribers FREE for a limited time. Download your 14 Day Busy Mom Challenge now and join me for today's workout!

If you're reading this, I'm sending you TONS of love.

Stay happy and healthy friends!!




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