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My Saturday Self Care Routine

As a busy mom of four, I aim to have my life run on a rhythm as much as possible. For instance, as a homeschooler, we do themed days like Field Trip Friday, and on Saturdays, I aim to do my self care routine.

Now, self care for me extends far beyond just beauty. It's a total lifestyle reset for the week--from the inside out. Take a peek below at some rituals I aim to do every Saturday so I feel refreshed and ready to take on the following week.


If you 've been following me for a while, you know I do the most. I'm not recommending you do all the below in one day if you do not have the time or desire to. I'm just sharing what my self care day consists of. I like to stay busy so this works for me, but do what works for you and the season you're in!

I make my daily smoothie.

Everyday (not just Saturday), I start the day with one of my signature green smoothies. I add pineapple, berries, spinach, flaxseeds and a banana. The kids have some with me too. This habit makes me feel like I'm off to a productive start for the day, fueling my body with nutrients that'll offer this mama some much needed energy.

I sweat.

I aim to do one of my workouts from my MWH Makeover Challenge. On Saturdays, I keep them under 10 minutes (as Saturdays are my active rest day). Getting in a great sweat is a great way to naturally detoxify the body--I love it!

I do a face mask (or a scrub)

I try not to overcomplicate my skin care routine, but at least once a week, I aim to do a 10 minute face mask or an exfoliating scrub to refresh my face and add to that glow.

Update that 'mani 'pedi

Unless I'm working out, I usually have my toes out so a pedicure is a must for me! Right now, I'm loving DIY gel mani and pedis, but on busier Saturdays, I'll do a gel pedicure with some press on nails for my manicure.

MWH Multitasking Tip: Let your feet soak for your pedi while you bathe your kids! While I'm detangling my four year old son, Rafi's, hair, my feet are being prepped for filing.

I catch up on laundry and deep cleaning

Ok, I get the kids to help me on this one. I get through 80% of the laundry, hang everything up (so we feel prepared for the week), change bed linens, and organize drawers. During the week it's all about upkeep for us, so on Saturdays, I go for a deeper clean--mopping, dusting, sanitizing, etc. MWH tip: play music while you tidy to make it fun.

Hair smoothie

I know I know. Sounds like I'm doing the most. But multitasking is kinda my thing and it saves me time with this list--for instance--I put my hair mask on and let it work its magic on my strands while I'm doing a workout, chores, pedicure, etc. I've been doing these hair masks for over 4 years and have been seeing so much growth in my hair! I combine egg, mayonnaise, olive oil, and tons of conditioner. I leave on for at least an hour.

Add an extra egg for protein if you have a lot of hair!

I journal after listening to a podcast

While doing dishes or folding laundry, I'm usually catching up on one of my go to podcasts. This makes doing chores so much more enjoyable. Let me know any suggestions you have for inspiring podcasts below!

When all is done, I reward myself with some kombucha, tea, or glass of my favorite vino and relax! If the kids are still up, I give them their screen time while I have mine so I can get some peace and quiet for, you know, 5 minutes. #momlife

MWH Bonus tip:

Have your kids on your rhythm, mom. Saturdays are my kids self care time too. My daughter has been doing hair smoothies with me (and omg her hair is amazing since she's started so young!), for example, and my sons and her also clip nails, etc. Have your kiddos chip in and help with chores too in an age appropriate way. These are life skills they are going to need when adults, so why not start 'em young?

And finally...

Take all this with a grain of salt. I mean, having a house full of children, I'm not able to do this list every week in its entirety. Some weekends, I have to split this up between two days--Saturday and Sunday. Create a rhythm that excites you and share your must have self care tips too!



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